Monday, July 11, 2011

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Great YouTube Videos

Here are some great videos on personal and economic freedoms:

One thing that stands out in this video is- the poorest people in the most free countries have a higher share of wealth than poor people in the least free countries. This means poor people in capitalist countries have a higher share of the wealth than they would in a communist country! Amazing, isn't it? How can this be? When you give so much power to a central government, you can't expect to be treated equally. Who do you suppose benefits from a communist system? Mostly, government officials and employees. They are able to build wealth while they force everyone else to be "equal."

If you went to a public school (like me), you've probably seen the graphs showing the inequality of wealth in the U.S. It's used as an argument for the redistribution of wealth, but if you consider the facts brought up in the above video, it really doesn't make sense. That's okay. Propaganda doesn't have to make sense.

This is one of my favorite videos, but I won't say much about it because it articulates the point way better than I could. But if you agree with this video, you must question even the basic idea of a progressive income tax system.

This video brings up a great point that many seem to forget. When we ask for government security, we are also asking for limitations on liberty. So, I ask you, how far do we allow the government to go in securing us? Our welfare, our health, our property? When you allow the government security over these things, you give also give up your own right to choose how you manage those things. Take public health care for example - If the government secures your health, they now have a right to tell you want you can and cannot eat or drink. Personally, I would rather be held responsible for my own health, and choose what I consume.

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